Thursday, September 11, 2008

Joel wrote this:

Her pants covered in paint is how I usually can see her in my head. A big abstract mess of a girl with blonde curly hair that looks as if it was part of the painting she is working on. Her smile can be such a spontaneous thing that makes me feel as if it will never be dark outside again. She stands there , awkwardly tilting her purple paint covered converses in a way that looks very uncomfortable; at least it looks that way to me. She dances and sways to her Ipod , seeming to follow the breeze that pushes her hair around. The bright green grass smells of summer and rain . I watch as her paint brush moves so swiftly and at times sloppily around on the white canvas. I think of all the times we stayed up watching movies or going clothes shopping, and how silly she can be. Her hair is pulled back revealing her wing tattoos . They look like they have always been a part of her, since childhood. Its her way of reminding herself she’s free and has the ability to soar to great heights. Her soft white skin , speckled with ocean blue and blood red splashes from her paint, reminds me of all the times we went to the beach this summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should update again