Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good Morning with VH1

Hello, all, or rather, lack there of!

School started tuesday. It's been good so far. Nothing too extremely exciting except that there's a girl named Juliana in my Theater class and i know i'm going to get SO confused. AND there's pool tables in the Student Activity Center, so that's awesome because now i have something to do with myself between my classes today. =)

My little brother called me yesterday! It was really exciting! He sounds like he's doing well and that nothing is to terrible. And apparently they feed them cookies, so..what can be bad about that?

It was really really awesome to hear from him. it definitely was the high point of my day.

My lack of job and money is really putting tension between me and joel. =/ not so awesome.

But we'll make it through. We always do. And we've already gone through the worst possible things we could have.

He took me out to Monza last night. It's an italian mobster themed pizza place with lots of alcohol and a stone oven. REALLLLLYY awesome. Anyways, we got a really good, spicy pizza and then joel discovered my exuberant talent of being awesome at crossing my eyes. We laughed SO hard. It was wonderful. And made me so happy. He was in tears from laughing. *grins* Definitely eased our tensions.

He's going to the gamecocks game today, so i won't see him when i get out of class. =/ He's going with one of the twins from upstairs. They may or may not stay the night in columbia at Mark's Mom's house (the twin) so i'm kind of sad because i don't think i'll get to see him until tomorrow when he's done with his first class.


But patrick gets out tomorrow for two hours. So i'll get to see him. And i'm probably going to go to the parade for their first football game (their being the citadel).

And leslie and alex come up this weekend *grins* So i'll be hanging out with them. =)

I love mi familia.
y. novio.

I had a crazy dream i was hanging off the wing of an airplane while it was flying the night before last night.

It was... no fun.

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